Thursday, 16 October 2008

Me and Them?

An unusually funny moment in the office today, at my expense. I aim to please.

There I am, happily Powerpointing away with my Sennheiser Noiseguard headphones on and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon blaring from the iPod, content in my little world.

I become aware that Anna is grinning at me in rank amusement. She's a quiet one, so this is unusual. It takes a few seconds, but slowly it dawns that all the other eight occupants of our little office are all facing my direction with the same looks on their faces. Even Philip (resident techno wizard) has awoken and turned 180 degress - he manages to ignore nuclear warfare going off around him as a rule.

I have been singing along to Us and Them apparently... and had managed to reach a pitch that simply could not be ignored. How embarassing! Tee hee - apparently I better stick with Powerpoint and not give up the day job just yet.

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