One of these days I will get home early enough, alert enough, inspired enough and with sufficient willpower to not flop gratefully on the sofa, nosh the meal prepared by my wondeful husband, and watch some mind-numbing tv, to actually start blogging again in some meaningful sense.
That means taking the time to learn the basics of reading and getting read... following and being followed. And thinking of something potentially interesting to say.
On an even less interesting note, Insomnia was great - though I have either read it before and forgotten (not unusual), or there is striking similarity with another tale, possibly Hearts of Atlantis? (striking similarities also not unusual amongst certain King books). Also read Duma Key. Much better than I was originally lead to believe, albeit slightly formulaic in the mould of earlier stuff.
Now... what picture for this?
I know... baby Alfers... darling god-child and he of the sickness bug from hell that wiped me out for three days in Indianapolis after attending his first birthday party immediately before getting on the plane. Trust me, I have seen more of the inside of every possible bathroom between Heathrow and the Westin in Indy than I ever, EVER want to see again. Thankfully, I can absolutely vouch for the top quality of the beds at the Westin. When I wasn't working or throwing up, I was in it!
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