Tuesday, 30 September 2008

A busy evening

I feel like I haven't stopped... home from work by 6pm (shock horror: so early!) ready to receive Ocado; changed ready to go for run (I use the word run very loosely in my current state, you understand); cleaned out two cat litters; received Ocado; went for "run" (and got utterly soaked); prepared dinner, put shopping away, negotiated Ocado's well-meant/impractical/but at least free - bag tidy; fed cats and did Cody's pills; emptied washing machine and put new load in; hung stuff to dry; served dinner. At 9.45pm.

Now, I should add two caveats here:

1. We don't have children. That means that, although I am conditioned to WORK work 12-24 hours a day if necessary, the concept of dealing with a squillion tasks at home has always eluded me - which is why I never phone my mother / deal with paperwork / write letters to friends / get decorating done / pay bills on time / etc etc

2. I understand the concept of housework, just not as it applies to me. Or so the saying goes. I can - and do - happily (well, not happily, necessarily, but without losing sleep or spilling my wine) manage to survive without changing bedsheets for 2 weeks at a time (more with excuse of broken arm), hoovering, dusting, blah blah blah. We can both go for weeks without doing any washing or ironing if pushed.

So all you mothers and proper women who can do the multi-tasking thing with such aplomb, can relax: I know my limitations. I have a boy gene, I think. So. I am exhausted. CSI has just finished and we shall wend our way bedwards. Where I shall continue with Oxford Blue... having finally made it to the point where the real mutiny actually starts, and hopefully things start moving with a bit more... how can I put it... "pull"?

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